How Often Should AC Units Be Serviced?

Your Air Conditioning unit is like every other piece of equipment you own. It needs to be serviced routinely.

Why Should You Have Your AC Serviced?

This is one of the first questions that people ask. You want to know why you are doing it. This will determine if you do it or not. Air conditioning makes our lives easier and more comfortable. There are a number of things that an air conditioner does, however. The first thing that comes to mind is cooling a home. This is not all they are good for though. Air conditioners also perform other tasks like purifying the air in a home and clearing it of dust and particles that cause us harm. There are many benefits that are gained when doing routine services. These include:

Increases life expectancy of equipment
· Any problems or damage from natural causes can be found and corrected.
· Dependability of the equipment is increased
· Can help to lower energy costs
· Safety precaution
· Beneficial to the environment

At All Year Cooling Florida, they know exactly what needs to be done and when. They provide customers with a routine service. This services the equipment and they do a thorough examination. This is done on all parts of the system to make sure they are working accurately and efficiently. At All Year Cooling Florida, they take pride in their work. They make sure everything’s done to the highest standards. This way you gain all the benefits of having a serviced unit.

When Should You Call Someone

Another big question that comes up frequently is how often you should call someone. A thorough cleaning and inspection should be done at least once a year. There are other times when you may need to call as well. If your home is not cooling properly then that means that something may not be working the way it should. Dirt and dust build up in the coils and the filter of an air conditioner. If it has accumulated too much, then it can cause the system to stop working properly. This is also why All Year Cooling Tommy Smith recommends changing your air conditioner filter once a month. This will guarantee the system will continue to work the way it should.

What Does Air Condition Service Cost?

The price of having someone come out to service your air condition will vary. It depends on the time of year and when you call on the price range for the service. Homeowners can expect to pay anywhere from fifty dollars to a hundred dollars for the service. This does not include parts and equipment if a problem is found. During the service, they will replace the filter and check all the parts. This includes parts of the blower, drain line, pressures, coils, and motor. They do this to make sure they are working properly.

With All Year Cooling financing, they make it easy and affordable for their homeowners. You need to remember that a few dollars now could save you from having to buy another unit down the road which will cost a lot more. Always make sure to get a professional and expert to service the air condition.