Streamline Your Business With Building Permit Software

How Building Permit Software Improves Efficiency

Have you ever felt like your building permit process is a total headache? You’re not alone. For many business owners and contractors, permitting might be the least favorite part of any construction project. But it doesn’t have to be that way. New permit management software can help streamline the process and make permitting almost (dare we say it?) enjoyable. In this article, we’ll walk through the ways the right software can save you time, keep you organized, and take the pain out of permitting. With the right tools, you can focus on your builds rather than permits. Read on to learn how to bring your permitting process into the 21st century.

Key Features of Top Building Permit Software

Cut down the time your team spends on permits and approvals with a streamlined, automated system. Building permit software offers major advantages:

– Simplified submission process. Create permit applications right in the software interface and submit them electronically for a fast, paperless workflow. No more printing stacks of forms or driving them to the permitting office.  

– Automated status tracking. Get real-time status updates on all your permits so you always know where they are in the review process. The software integrates with permitting databases to sync info.

– Digital document management. Store all project plans, permits, invoices and more in a centralized, accessible platform. Quickly find what you need without digging through filing cabinets.

– Configurable workflows. Set up rules and routing so permit applications and documents move through proper approval channels automatically.

– Reporting and analytics. Get insights into cycle times, bottlenecks and performance through detailed reports and dashboards. Identify issues and optimize processes.

– Mobile accessibility. Manage permits and collaborate with team members on the go through iOS and Android apps. You’re not chained to a desk.

With the efficiency gains building permit software provides, you can focus on higher-value work, speed up construction timelines, and keep projects moving forward. The time and cost savings add up, making the investment well worth it.

Choosing the Right Building Permit Software for Your Needs

Choosing the right building permit software can make or break your permitting process. The best options have key features that will streamline your workflow from start to finish. 

– Automated form completion – Skip the hassle of filling out permit applications manually. The software should pull project data to populate the forms for you.

– Custom workflow design – Set up a permitting workflow that matches your team’s process. Assign tasks, track progress, and collaborate all in one system.

– Real-time updates – Get notifications when permits are approved or more information is needed. The software should sync data across departments in real time.

– Mobile access – Manage permits from anywhere with iOS and Android apps. Approve requests, assign tasks, and keep projects moving on-the-go. 

– Integration with GIS – Integration with geographic information systems allows you to visually map project sites and attach relevant documents.

– Dashboards and reporting – Gain insights into bottlenecks and turnaround times. Reporting and analytics help optimize your process over time.

– Cloud hosting – There’s no software to install with cloud-based systems. That means easy access for your team and automatic software updates.

Choosing permit software with these key features will empower your team to work smarter. Projects will move through permitting quickly, costs will be reduced, and customers will be satisfied.